Household-transition management

We understand the challenges involved in transitioning to a new residence. Young adults struggle as they settle into independent living. Divorce separates one household into two. Aging seniors leave a familiar place called home.

Ostrica helps ease the transition. Depending on your circumstances, our services can be customized to meet specific needs. Disabled or handicapped adults might require help with moving, or transferees may search for relocation assistance. Surviving spouses need basic support and long-distance caregivers juggle career and family.

For older adults transitioning to new residences, our focus is on helping you retain as much independence as possible. We’ll clean out your basement, closets and garage, and when the time comes, arrange a move to new living spaces.

Household-transition management services include:

General support

  • Relocation assistance - utility, communication and cable
  • Change of address notification – insurance, investment, credit card, Social Security, pension and retirement
  • Necessary permits and licenses

Divorce support

  • Personal-property division assistance
  • Home inspection
  • Monitoring/reporting on financial transactions
  • Tax-preparation support and coordination
  • Third-party support transportation of minors

Senior assistance

  • Residential down-sizing
  • Coordination with sale of residence
  • Assistance in sale, transfer or disposal of personal belongings
  • Transportation arrangements
  • Communicating with long-distance caregivers
  • Handling financial paperwork for nursing home residents
  • Monitoring care and living conditions